Matthias Amsler's work is centered on the unpretentious aspects of everyday life. In his recent practice, he engages with ordinary objects, making subtle alterations through minimal interventions before returning them to their original context after exhibitions. Works such as *See You Again* and *Think Like A Champion* exemplify this approach. Reuse, upcycling, and recycling are fundamental to his methodology. Amsler incorporates materials such as leftover paints from painting companies, rejected products from manufacturers, and various forms of waste, aiming to challenge energy- and resource-intensive production methods.
His artistic intention is to contribute to the discourse on sustainable and scalable art practices. Thematically, Amsler (*1992) is drawn to issues such as climate change, power structures, and the human condition. Through his creations, he constructs twisted realities to better comprehend and shed light on the most pressing concerns of the present.
Sole Polishing Station, partizipatives Konzept, Basel Social Club, 2024